
How To Increase Youtube Engagement

Red youtube logo on a black beackground on phone with a laptop in the background

At that place'due south no better time than at present to increase appointment on your YouTube channel. According to Forbes, YouTube is currently the 2d largest search engine, with only Google surpassing it.

This billion-user platform is a hugely useful tool for your business organisation marketing strategy. So, if you're already posting videos on YouTube, you're alee of the game. And if your YouTube engagement is on the ascent, you're building your channel'south success.

However, the path to increasing YouTube engagement amongst your target audience can be a tricky one. Especially if you're just starting out on the platform. That'due south why, hither at Simplified, we've cleaved down the process into five easy hacks for you.

From creating middle-catching thumbnails to being strategic about your specs, we've got you covered. These simple hacks will help you improve your reach and maximize your ROI. Let's dive in!

What is YouTube engagement?

YouTube engagement is when a viewer takes action on your YouTube page or YouTube video. YouTube engagement reflects how many times a video or channel has been interacted with. These metrics can be an important measure of your video or channel'south overall popularity. The fundamental deportment are:

  • Comments – This is all most viewers sharing their opinion and leaving thoughts about your content. Information technology proves how relatable or exciting they institute your video.
  • Likes and dislikes – This is a simple way to make up one's mind whether your viewers enjoyed your video. The number of likes reveals whether your video resonates with your audience. Dislikes are yet agile engagement. One pop example of this is the official music video for Friday by Rebecca Black. With over a meg dislikes and only 250,000 likes, the video notwithstanding clustered a staggering 53 million views.
  • Shares – The number of shares shows yous how oftentimes your video was shared past viewers and on which platform. This happens if a video is a perfect reflection of how the viewers currently feel, or where they want to become, how they want to feel, what they want to do, how they want to be.
  • Subscribers gained and lost – This engagement metric shows you whether your video attracted new followers or turned off current followers.

5 easy hacks to increase YouTube engagement

1. Nail the thumbnail


Don't fall into the trap of thinking kickoff impressions only count in the "offline" globe. People make quick decisions online, too.

According to the YouTube Creator, Academy, 90% of the all-time-performing videos on YouTube have a custom thumbnail. A solid thumbnail should exist informative, enticing, and aesthetically pleasing. Thumbnails help your video proceeds initial interest and show your viewers what they can look. Plus, properly optimized thumbnails volition increase video date by over 154%.

Simplified has many templates that yous can use to create thumbnails for your YouTube videos. Scan through unlike options or sort by category to find the right ane for you and then build on it using your own images and text.

ii. Impress with your intro


When information technology comes to video, starting strong is the name of the game. The brand-or-suspension mark for your video is between 3 to 5 seconds. That'due south the amount of time you accept to hook your viewers and prevent them from scrolling away. Then, brand the virtually of information technology and grab their attention! For instance start your video with a question, "What if you could travel the earth on less than iii dollars per 24-hour interval?" Or in the first few seconds of the video, pose or address their hurting indicate directly, "Are you sick and tired of getting the influenza?".

Interestingly, the YouTube algorithm doesn't necessarily prefer online videos with lots of views. This goes against what we know as a standard YouTube appointment strategy. Instead, it takes a user'south "session fourth dimension" into account (non available to the users).

Session Fourth dimension (also known as "Session Watch Time") is the total amount of time someone spends on YouTube after watching your video. And it's 1 metric that YouTube cares A LOT about. So if someone watches your video and then leaves YouTube, that's going to hurt your channel's Session Time. But if that person stays on YouTube, your Session Fourth dimension is going to increase.

And the all-time way to improve your Session Time?

Promote your Best videos on your channel page.

three. Include annotations, visual cues, and CTAs


Youtube engagement requires your viewers to participate. And with video marketing, there'southward no shame in being direct. If you want viewers to subscribe to your YouTube channel? Then, tell them so. Or if you desire viewers to similar or share your video? And then, remind them to practice and then! This says to your viewer that their opinion is valued and that you always want to improve the quality of content you provide. This also provides the opportunity for increased viewership through social proof.

One of the all-time ways to boost your YouTube engagement is past using annotations. These are little boxes of text or visuals that appear during the video that encourage your viewers to take activity. Like in the image below, the annotation is highlighted in red.


Using annotations and CTAs will help you tell your viewers what yous want them to exercise—and how. Practise this throughout the entire video, non just at the end or outset. This will aid you increase appointment, fifty-fifty if people don't lookout man the whole video.


The YouTube algorithm also rewards high appointment in terms of likes, comments, and shares. So, adding a unproblematic annotation to encourage activeness on the platform tin can help your video show upward more than in search results.

4. Give people a reason to keep watching

Video scout time is another central ranking factor for videos. Here are a few tips to continue your YouTube appointment rate up and viewers watching till the end: • Although your viewers can't interact with you, talk to them as you would if yous were having a conversation in real life. • Make your information articulate, unproblematic, and digestible • Highlight necessary steps or tips • Continue it fun (less lecturing and more than jesting can go a long way) • Recap by repeating central points

5. Showcase YouTube videos on your website


YouTube videos are a great way to explicate your concern' USP and showcase your company civilisation. Explainer and introduction videos are strong tools for your homepage or a "how it works" section on your website.

Most people don't want to read through all of your services or coil through hundreds of products to find the one they're after.

Here are three of our favorite examples of how brands are using video to:

  • Demonstrate products – ITNH
  • Share their expertise – MOZ
  • Tell their story – American Modular System

Then, simplify it for them with a YouTube video instead.

Create your Website YouTube video in minutes with Simplified! Your make will benefit from tying your website and video content together with cohesive branding for a professional person look.

How to track your video date rate

You tin easily measure your YouTube appointment charge per unit with the correct formula. The engagement charge per unit provides a more authentic representation of content performance than simply looking at measures such as likes, shares, and comments.

1 of the near common ways is to measure your engagement rate by reach (ERR). ERR is the per centum of viewers who engaged with your video or other content afterwards watching it.

Pace 1

Utilize this formula across at to the lowest degree five of your posts:

ERR = total engagements per post / reach per postal service * 100

Step two

Calculate the average. Starting time, add up all the ERRs from the posts you lot want to average. Then, divide your answer past the number of posts:

Average ERR = Total ERR / Total posts

Congratulations, yous but calculated your YouTube appointment rate. The ERR tin give y'all a solid idea of your YouTube engagement across all audiences. The engagement rate proves that your content was compelling enough to generate a response. Past understanding how date rates piece of work, you tin utilize this information to ameliorate the quality of your video marketing campaigns over time.

Are yous ready to grow your YouTube date faster with Simplified? Every bit an all-in-one platform, Simplified tin help you pattern everything y'all need to calibration your brand on YouTube.

Enhance your YouTube videos and YouTube appointment with Simplified's gratis tools. These include dynamic templates and AI copywriting for ads, channel art, intros & outros, and thumbnails. You can fifty-fifty create catchy titles for YouTube using Simplified'southward gratuitous AI tool. The best gratuitous design tool on the spider web is yours for the taking. Get your free designs for YouTube now!

One Gratuitous app to design, collaborate, and calibration your work – try Simplified today.


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