YouTube Live is a crucial mode to stand out on the world'south about popular video app (and second most popular website, just behind Google). Certain, there's something to be said almost meticulously edited content, but YouTube'due south livestream functionality tin can build a different kind of hype that's non available on normal uploads.

And hype is e'er a skillful thing. After all, there are over 500 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every infinitesimal, so anything you tin do to depict attention to yourself is great. YouTube Live allows you to build buzz with special guests, interactive Q&As and the thought that, well, anything could happen.

Read on for tips and advice to achieve the all-time possible YouTube Live stream.

Costless YouTube Growth Checklist: Find out how 1 YouTuber grew his channel to nigh 400,000 followers in iv years and how y'all can gain 100,000 followers a year too.

What is YouTube Live?

YouTube Live is also the second nearly popular livestream site, falling merely behind Twitch. But while Twitch is known for gaming streams, YouTube Live's users offer all kinds of content, including music performances, vlogs, cooking classes, makeup tutorials, instructional videos, comedy performances and much more.

Some quick history:

  • YouTube first experimented with live streaming in the late 2000s, including a U2 concert in 2009 and a Q&A with Barack Obama in 2010.
  • They officially launched YouTube Live in 2011. The program was initially only available to select partners and was used for streaming the Olympics and Felix Baumgartner's bound from infinite in 2012.
  • The program has inverse over the years, only it's now available for all desktop users and mobile accounts with ane,000 subscribers or more.

Y'all may not have considered livestreaming in your marketing plan, but you absolutely should. Later all, 30% of all internet users claim to spotter at to the lowest degree i live video stream a week. That's nearly ane and a one-half billion people you could exist reaching with your livestream.

Why go live on YouTube?

YouTube Live video is a fantastic way to set yourself apart and offer unique, rewarding video experiences.

Here are some not bad reasons to participate in YouTube Alive videos:

Turn a video into an upshot

Hype is a driving force online, and you can make some astonishing waves if you treat your YouTube Live video stream similar a virtual event. After all, there are no better means to create FOMO than by building fizz with a countdown clock and plenty of promotional posts across your social media channels.

Best of all, unlike Twitch, your YouTube Live stream can be paused while it'due south running, so viewers actually go the best of both worlds with live vs. video content.

Tap into a large audience

There are over 2 billion agile users on YouTube, and while they're likely on the site for a specific reason, they'll also exist served content that the algorithm expects them to find interesting.

That means if you've got a live video that fits perfectly into their niche, you'll probable find some new eyeballs if you livestream regularly on YouTube. Plus, algorithms mostly favor live video.

Engage your viewers in real fourth dimension

In the past, a back-and-forth conversation with your audience might have looked something like this: Encourage them to leave a annotate, then sift through them all (and beware of trolls) earlier either replying with text or in some other video.

But with YouTube Alive, you lot can read the chat in real time and direct engage with your audience. You can even encourage more activity in the chat by enabling the Super Chat feature. This is too a great way to grow your subscriber base.

Create corking content without overthinking it

Considering it'due south live, audiences don't necessarily look the slick, professional look of standard YouTube content. But it's yet possible to make your stream look more polished with the correct equipment, overlays and camera work. This means that you tin make your live video as fancy or down-to-earth as you want.

All-time of all, you can skip the agonizing edits before releasing your content. Once you go live, it'south out there!

How to start streaming with YouTube Alive

That all sounds good — but you might be wondering how to go live on YouTube. It's really incredibly simple. Just follow our step-by-step guide.

Enable your channel

Before yous can livestream, you need to verify your YouTube channel — don't worry, it's not every bit complicated as getting a YouTube verification badge. Go to to add your telephone number and receive a verification lawmaking.

That's it; your YouTube account has been verified! (If simply it were this simple on other sites.)

Later verification, it volition take 24 hours for your account to be activated for livestreaming. Once activated, you can livestream from desktop with any number of subscribers, only you need to accept at to the lowest degree 1,000 subscribers to livestream from mobile.

From there, y'all can follow these steps:

On desktop

one. Go to

2. Click the Create button in the top right corner.

3. Select Become Live. Y'all'll exist taken to the YouTube Live Command Room (see below).

welcome to the new YouTube Live control room

On mobile

1. Open the YouTube app.

2. Click the plus icon on the lesser of the app.

3. Tap Go Live.

Choose how you want to stream

pick the type of stream built-in webcam or streaming software


If your livestream has a simple premise, your computer'southward born photographic camera (or, even better, an external camera that you've fix) volition certainly do the trick. An aesthetically pleasing room as a backdrop can go a long way.

How to stream from desktop

1. Go to on your browser.

2. Click the camcorder icon in the top right corner.

3. Click Go Alive, then select Webcam.

four. Add your title and privacy settings.

5. Click More options to add a description, enable or disable live chat, monetization, promotion and more (see below).

create stream and add details category and thumbnail

vi. Click Next. YouTube will automatically take a webcam thumbnail photograph. You lot can retake it or upload an image after.

7. Select Become Live.

8. To stop, select End Stream at the bottom.


Streaming from a mobile device is technically no different than streaming from your computer's webcam, but mobile is great for more down-to-earth, laid back "hang out" streams. A vertical video streamed on selfie manner is perfect for showing off a new haircut or sharing some hot gossip with fans. However, information technology'll likely exist likewise rough around the edges for, say, a lengthy academic discussion.

How to stream from mobile

one. From the YouTube app, select the camcorder icon.

2. Select Go Live.

3. Add your title and privacy setting.

4. Select More than Options to add a description. Select Show More to enable or disable live chat, age restrictions, monetization, promotion disclosures, and more.

5. Press Bear witness Less to exit and select Adjacent. Accept a film or upload a thumbnail.

6. Tap Share to share the link on social media.

vii. Select Go Live.

eight. To stop, click Terminate and and so Ok.

Encoder streaming

Encoders are far and away the best option for livestreaming, although at that place's certainly a learning curve involved. Using streaming software like OBS or Streamlabs (or plenty of others — YouTube's list of approved encoders is available here), you can create custom backdrops, add overlays and custom emotes, hands monetize your stream and maintain a high quality of audio and video throughout.

social is your superpower OBS interface

Example of an OBS interface.

How to stream with an encoder

1. Enquiry the best encoding software for your needs and computer specs. Follow their instructions to set up your stream. A listing of YouTube Alive verified encoders is available here.

2. Select the camcorder icon.

3. Click Go Live, then select Stream. If y'all've streamed before, select Copy and create to apply the previous settings. Otherwise, select New Stream.

4. Add your championship, description, category and privacy settings, then upload a thumbnail. You tin also schedule your stream and enable monetization. Click Create Stream.

5. Go to Stream Settings and copy your stream key. Y'all tin can utilise the same stream key for future streams. You lot can also customize and salvage multiple stream keys.

6. Paste the stream primal into the relevant field on your encoder (information technology volition depend on the software).

seven. Get back to your YouTube dashboard and click Become Live.

8. To end the stream, click Stop Stream.

Free YouTube Growth Checklist: Find out how i YouTuber grew his channel to about 400,000 followers in 4 years and how you can gain 100,000 followers a year likewise.

Get the checklist!

8 tips for using YouTube Live

one. Set a goal

Why do you, specifically, desire to stream video on YouTube Live? Yes, you. If you lot can spend a few minutes mulling over the goals of your YouTube Alive stream, you'll be able to program exactly what to exercise.

After all, if you desire to engage your audience with a live product unboxing, you'll demand to get, well, a box with a product in information technology. Ultimately, knowing why you lot're doing it volition aid you effigy out how to get there.

2. Be prepared

One time you lot've outlined your strategy, you tin can brand a checklist and start prepping for the show.

Will you lot be working solo or with a team? If it's a team endeavour, figure out each person's office in the stream. This can include everything from a cameraperson to a chat moderator (in the unpredictable world of live video, a moderator is always a adept person to have on your side).

Practice you lot programme to have guests? If so, yous'll need to determine how yous'll feature them and brand sure they have an accurate time to call in.

Speaking of fourth dimension, it'south non a bad thought to make a loose script for the stream, fifty-fifty if information technology's simply point-form notes. That way, you can avert expressionless air.

3. Consider your content

In addition to following a theme, you'll also want to make sure that your YouTube Live content is historic period-appropriate (you'll be able to select whether or not information technology's suitable for kids when yous're setting up) and that it meets YouTube'south Customs Guidelines.

If you violate YouTube's policies, yous'll get a strike that prevents y'all from streaming for xiv days.

4. Promote like crazy

There'due south no perfect time to stream, but you'll be able to get an approximate idea by looking at your YouTube analytics and figuring out when people have been watching your videos the most. Once y'all pin down a fourth dimension, promoting your stream needs to become your obsession.

Hype it up across all of your social media platforms. Make ads, posters, IG stories and videos to plug the stream. Place a banner on your YouTube page or brand a trailer for the stream. Link it everywhere. Act like it'south the event of the century — and really believe that it is.

Note: Once y'all've gotten into the swing of things, you lot should consider streaming at the aforementioned time each week. That volition build an organic post-obit and constitute your channel as a trusted source of info and amusement.

The Raptors Show with Will Lou Friday March 25

Source: Sportsnet on YouTube

5. Invest in aesthetics

The deviation between a mediocre stream and a fantastic, professional person-seeming broadcast can often comes downwardly to packaging. If you lot want to stand out, you should definitely invest in the expect of your show.

That includes everything from an excellent thumbnail epitome (ideally 1280 ten 720, with a minimum width of 640 pixels) to overlays and backdrops if you lot're using an encoder. You may demand to spend some time (if y'all're doing it yourself) or cash (if you hire a designer), simply a polished await will set yous autonomously.

6. Know your gear

You tin make a YouTube Alive video by pushing a button and talking into your web camera, merely there are all kinds of means you can better on that, and they'll make the difference.

Consider upgrading your webcam, investing in audio equipment (even an entry-level USB microphone will improve your dialogue a not bad bargain), purchasing band lights or other lighting gear, sourcing a green screen, etc. You should likewise test your internet speed (at, for example). If possible, use a wired ethernet connection for consistent speeds.

Notation: Unlike Twitch, which maxes out at 1080p, YouTube Alive tin actually support 4K streams, outputted at 2160p. If yous've got the hardware for information technology, you can brand your stream look incredibly high-res.

7. Address your audience

We've established that i of the best aspects of YouTube Live is the engagement potential, and you should certainly maximize it past engaging your audience as much as possible.

Fix questions to ask during the stream, continue an eye on the conversation so you can acknowledge commenters, or even create polls for your viewers to vote on. These are all great ways to continue your audience engaged, making them more likely to invite their friends back the next time.

8. Loosen upwards a little

People spotter live Tv set shows like SNL for the flubs just equally much as the jokes, if not more than. That same mentality applies to livestreaming.

While you should certainly be every bit prepared as possible, y'all should also program to whorl with the punches and have some fun with it. Don't diss yourself, but if something goes wrong (and chances are, information technology probably volition), take a express mirth nigh information technology. Take it easy and have fun, and your audience will too.

YouTube Alive video ideas and examples

There'due south pretty much no limit to what you tin do with YouTube Live. Here are just a few examples of interesting things people are doing with the service.

Function Hours Alive with Tim Heidecker

Dearest comedian Tim Heidecker didn't only beginning a podcast like everyone else. Instead, he's keeping decorated with Office Hours Live, a prove that's livestreamed on YouTube, then released as an audio podcast later.

There's plenty of audience interaction — including a call-in section — equally well equally celebrity guests who play characters and do bits. It'south a attestation to all that can be washed with YouTube Alive.

Big Rig Travels

There is no shortage of fascinating livestreams of day-in-the-life moments, and Big Rig Travels is one of the best if you desire to head out on the route and feel like y'all're making some deliveries.

lofi hip hop radio – beats to relax/study to

Some users have turned YouTube Live into a oasis for music lovers, even launching total-fledged radio stations. The virtually well-known, by far, is LofiGirl, whose playlists with calm, relaxing animations helped popularize the genre of "lo fi beats to relax/study to."

The start iteration of the business relationship was temporarily banned later on streaming for over 13,000 hours, making it one of the longest YouTube videos in history.

Angela Anderson

Your livestream doesn't demand to exist flashy or complex. Angela Anderson has amassed a large, defended audience who tune in to watch her incredibly soothing, 2-60 minutes painting sessions.

Luthiers Question Time

If you piece of work in a highly specialized niche, there'due south probably an existing market for you to corner on YouTube. Ruby Guitars uses its weekly live sessions to answer pressing questions from guitar gearheads. (And if you're wondering, a luthier is someone who makes stringed instruments. The more than you know!)


Banger Television set's Lock Horns series shows that you lot tin can make YouTube magic happen by simply setting up a camera in your office. Special guests come up in to debate hyper-niche heavy metal subgenres, and despite the lack of digital bells and whistles, it's a highly engaging show.

That Matter You Exercise Watch Party

At the start of the pandemic, many celebrities banded together for charity livestreams, tabular array reads and sentinel parties. The That Matter You Practise party is a perfect case of a stream done right.

The film's entire cast showed up to sentinel the picture show, and they merely timed the stream with the start of the film, meaning fans could queue it up with the motion picture itself, and no one would accept to worry nigh any copyright violations. That'due south an thought anyone can use for their YouTube Live videos.

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With files from Katie Sehl.

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